A Boutique Consulting Service and Funding Platform
For Projects that Change the World

MindfulCrowdfunding.com, is a fee-based Consulting service with its own donation-driven funding platform, dedicated to artists, activists and entrepreneurs with projects rooted in the love of a vision and fortified by the courage to care. We are looking for projects that change the world for the better, one’s defined by authenticity, integrity and freedom. As a dana (or donation)-inspired platform, we support the practice of mindful generosity and have designed our platform to encourage that: Project creators maintain 100% ownership of their work. Campaign contributors are thanked with gifts by campaign creators. All services through the use of our platform are provided as dana – freely, without charge. Any and all contributions you voluntarily gift us are integrated back into the platform and services provided.

Visit the MindfulCrowdfunding.com site and tell us about your vision through our online application